March 21, 2013

No. 334B - CYOA2 - Martin Evacuates Nautilus Base

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:

“What is he talking about?” Land asked Ridgeway and Hodge.

“Not sure,” said Hodge, hurriedly. His attention was focused on the foreign drone that was approaching the lab. “That’s the more immediate threat,” he said, pointing.

The drone was close, now. The whine of its engines could be heard through the thick glass of the observation windows.

“It looks like ours,” said Ridgeway. “Can you stop it?”

Hodge was too busy entering commands into the computer to reply. “Ah ha!” he cried out as a screen changed color from yellow to green.

The drone’s flight path wobbled slightly.

“I think I’ve got it,” said Hodge.

They were his last words. The drone smashed through the window, the computer, and Hodge before burying itself in the bulkhead on the far side of the room. There was no explosion, but deep, black smoke began to billow out of the wreck.

The fire suppression system in the lab kicked in, flooding the chamber with inert gas.

“Come on,” Land ordered. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

Ridgeway gathered Martin to his feet and she and the Captain carried him toward the exit. None of the party noticed that behind them in the Core, without a hand on the controls, the time-barrier was expanding.

The group was just exiting the security zone around the Core when the first blast rocked the Nautilus.

Captain Land turned white. “It’s happening again,” she whispered.

Martin, who had regained his senses, grabbed her arm. “You can sound the evacuation alarm. We may lose the Base, but we’ll live.”

Ridgeway joined him in reassuring Land. “We just need to get to the bridge.”

Another detonation rocked the vessel. This one was bigger than the first.

“We need to hurry, though,” Ridgeway told the Captain. “Martin? Can you get her other arm?”

There was no reply.

“Martin?” Ridgeway repeated.

Hearing nothing, she turned around.

Martin was dead. The last explosion had driven a metal beam straight through his chest.

Part 9:

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