July 01, 2012

No. 133

“Seriously? You don’t know? How does someone get to your age and not know what a crab looks like?” asked Ashley Oates incredulously.
“I dunno,” said Martin Handley. He shrugged. “I guess I skipped that.”
“Wow,” said Ashley, who was still shocked by what her co-worker was telling her. “Really?”
“Uh huh,” replied Martin. “No idea.”
“Ok. Um. Well, They’re about so big around,” began Ashley, while demonstrating with her hands. “And they’ve got six legs. Or eight legs. I can’t remember. I think it’s eight, but including the claws.”
“They swim, right?” asked Martin.
“You’re absolutely sure you don’t know this?”
“Yeah, I think they do, a little bit. Mostly they hide under rocks,” Ashley continued. “Anyway, so their claws are at the front, and they’re shaped kinda like an oval. But it’s all shell.”
“Do they make noises?”
“So they have claws like a cat or something? That’s weird.”
“Their claws are like pincers,” said Ashley. She clasped her fingers together. “They pinch.”
Martin saw her acting out the motion and couldn’t keep a straight face any longer.
“I knew it!” said Ashley.
“Oates, that was beautiful. I just wanted to see how long you’d keep going.” said Martin, laughing.
“I hate you,” replied Ashley. Then she punched him.

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